Posts tagged m3 bars
Functional Strength Push and Pull Circuit Bodyweight Workout

A MoveStrong bodyweight push pull functional strength circuit

Push up variations on the MoveStrong M3 Bars with alternating pull-up variations on the Nova XL Functional Training Station

β€’ Feet up push-up

β€’ Cliffhanger climb and pull-up

β€’ push-up and jump through w/dips

β€’ Spiral grip pull-ups

β€’ Hindu pushups and push-up to T

β€’ Ring pull-ups

β€’ Rope climb finisher

Bodyweight Upperbody Strength and Core Exercises
Using the MoveStrong M3 Bars for some upper body static holds with bent knee variations. The alternate toe tap to straight leg is a great regression to performing the L-Sit hold and great exercise to train for upper body and core strength!

The MoveStrong M3 Bars are a great functional fitness training tool to add to your arsenal. Ideal for bodyweight exercises including a variety of push-up variations, static holds, handstands and hand balancing exercises including yoga poses.

Visit our MoveStrong video library for many more exercises and tips for the M3 Bars
