GoodLife Fitness Red Deer to Launch NinjaFit with MoveStrong
NinjaFit room layout by MoveStrong for GoodLife
MoveStrong will conduct an In-Service Training for staff and guest of Goodlife Fitness. An introduction to MoveStrong philosophy on functional fitness exercise and hands-on demonstration to prepare staff for launch the NinjaFit and Obstacle Course Training Room at the Red Deer location!
Learn and take part in hands-on training:
• Introduction to bodyweight exercise, NinjaStrong,
and Obstacle Course training utilizing MoveStrong
• Importance of functional fitness diversity in exercise
as applied to all ages
• Exercise technique and creative ideas to build usable
functional strength, balance, agility, and power to safely
perform exercises and conquer obstcales
• Utilizing MoveStrong products, how to regress and
progress exercises for all users
• MoveStrong accessory training tools and other
equipment to incorporate in workouts
• Programming ideas for group and personal training
• Launching MoveStrong products and training to others
• MoveStrong resources for continued learning
MoveStrong Equipment to be reviewed includes:
Nova XL Functional Training Station with many MoveStrong functional training tools for NinjaStrong and Obstacle Course Training!
NEW Triple Warp Wall
MoveStrong #Dynabell
Parallel Bars
Stall Bars
M3 Bars
GEO Floor Obstacles
Salmon Ladders
Elevate Trainers
and more!
Event CLOSED to Goodlife Staff and Guest Only! Contact Red Deer location for more details.
#MoveStrong #GoodlifeFitness #OCRtraining #NinjaFit #NinjaStrong#FunctionalTraining