Open Air Gym
Fitness with fresh air and sunshine

Outdoor Functional Fitness, Conditioning, and Strength
Mixture of strength machines and functional fitness designed for outdoor use

Strength Training Plate Load Machines
Built for outdoors without the need for removable free-weights

Outdoor Functional Fitness Training Area
Combination of bodyweight and functional fitness exercise stations

Ideal for Group Training workouts
Functional fitness and bootcamp training classes

Functional Fitness Group Training Outdoors
Conditioning workouts and HIIT Training whit variety of exercise options

Outdoor Heavy Bag Stations
Boxing, Kickboxing, and HIIT Training workouts

Outdoor Track area
Battle Ropes and push sleds

40-yard dash sprint track
Sprint and agility track workouts

Outdoor Tire Flip Station
Functional Tires for strength training anchored to ground

Rope Pull Stations
Functional strength with rope pull workouts

Open Space For Movement
Open air floor space for bodyweight exercise, yoga, stretching, and floor work

Outdoor Core Training
Ab bench and Back extension

Functional Fitness Area Outdoors
Combination of bodyweight and functional fitness exercise stations