Nova XL Bridge Modular Extended Bridge IndoorJared KukaOctober 2, 2017Nova, fts, group training, Nova xlComment
Features of the Centerline Resistance Bands Indoor, OutdoorJared KukaSeptember 17, 2017bands, resistance band, stall barsComment
Cliff Hanger Grips for Outdoor T-Rex FTS OutdoorJared KukaSeptember 5, 2017cliff hanger, trex, outdoor, ninja, warrior, pullupComment
NOW AVAILABLE! The MoveStrong Build Your Own Program for the Nova FTS IndoorJared KukaJune 21, 2017custom, build, nova, fightstrongComment
New MoveStrong Products and Training Tools Debuted at Functional Training Summit IndoorJared KukaJune 9, 2017summit, perform better, pull-up bars, geo, obstacleComment
The Revolver Pull-up Bar Now Available for Nova FTS and Pull-up Brackets IndoorJared KukaJune 9, 2017pull-up bars, pullup, nova ftsComment