Posts tagged elevate trainer
Functional Strength Exercises For Posterior Chain

A posterior chain tri-set of exercises to focus on the glutes, hips, and hamstrings using MoveStrong functional training equipment. 

The DSL Bar allows for split stance exercises while stabilizing weight at sides with a neutral grip.  

- Split Stance DSL Bar Deadlifts - With a split stance maintain a straight rear leg as you lean, lunge, and bend forward with a flat back to lift bar. Using weight of lead leg and hips to slowly with control lift the bar and return back to upright position. Back leg remains in split stance stationary with rear foot flat as you repeat for desired reps.

 The DynaBell functional training dumbbell is ideal for snatch exercises with its rotating handles.

- DynaBell Snatches - Stand over Dynabell with less than shoulder width stance and to avoid DynaBell handles contact with knees as you lift the weight. Grasp center handle and lift with  straight arm, maintaining a flat back, and by generating power in hips to raise DynaBell and fully extend body in upright position. Once fully extended allow DyanBell to travel upwards, keeping it close to your body, in a straight line, and in one fluid motion, catch DynaBell with straight arm overhead. Lower back to start with control and repeat with opposite arm.

The Elevate Trainer has oversized foot cradles for various foot and leg positions in performing suspension exercises.

Elevate Trainer Supine Bridge and Leg Curl - Lying in a supine position place heels into foot cradles of Elevate Trainer. Raise hips so that only upper back is in contact with ground. Bridge hips upwards then curl feet under hips while pushing   heels into straps. Return to start with control while maintaining hips off ground and the repeat for desired reps. Arms may be places out to sides to help stabilize yourself during the exercise.

Perform all three exercises in a circuit fashion for 3-4 rounds. Rest as needed between exercises and rounds based goals for strength and conditioning desired results.


Five Core Suspention Exercises With the MoveStrong Elevate Trainer

Here are 5 core intensive exercises with the Elevate Trainer while feet suspended in cradles. Placement of cradles on legs can be adjusted to increase or decrease level one difficulty. Cradles higher on leg towards knee provides more off-load of Bodyweight when performing these type of exercises.

While these focus heavily not he core, the entire body is engaged to stabalize the body in a plank position while performing the various pikes, knee tucks, and hip swings. Making this a great functional strength and total body stability exercises. 

MoveStrong designed a complete suspension trainer tool that allows for various Handle grips. The two anchored adjustable straps and standard handles with oversized cradle, shown in this video, allow for more range of motion and ease of adjusting cradles at different positions on feet and legs. 

Functional Strength Circuit Power and Strength Posterior Chain

Functional strength training trio of exercises to perform in a circuit style workout to develop strength and power in the posterior chain of the body. Emphasis on hip and hamstrings.

1- Ground-to-Overhead using Ground Rotational Trainer with GRT Handle

2- Nordic Ham Curls, perform on stall bars, lower slow as possible and press up back to start

3- Lying Elevate Trainer Ham Curls Perform 8-12 reps each with 30-60sec rest between exercises.

Elevate Trainer Suspension core shoulder strength and stability exercise

Using the MoveStrong Elevate Trainer and suspension bar attachment to perform a very challenging Bodyweight exercise that emphasizes core and shoulder strength. Great total body stability movement that engages the entire body. 

The exercise shown, Push-up with overhead reach, should only be attempted by individuals with strong shoulders and core strength. Regress the exercise by widening foot placement, reduce angle of body, and shorten range of motion in movement during exercise.

Learn more about the Elevate Trainer for suspension workouts and more functional fitness training equipment at

Single Leg Squat with Elevate Trainer

Single leg squat is an awesome exercise to build the lower body and glutes while improving functional strength with this unilateral movement that will improve balance and stability as well.

Place rear leg over one suspended Elevate Belt. Place foot on belt for more difficulty or place belt higher up towards knee for more comfort, assistance to offload, and help stabilize during exercise.

Maintain erect torso, bend front leg and drop slowly to a comfortable depth, pause, return up to start. Allow Elevate Belt to move slightly forward and backwards during exercise to maintain comfortable movement and balance.

To add more challenge to this exercise, hold a DynaBell at chest level using the end blue handles during the movement for added resistance.

Elevate Trainer exercise for lateral flexibility and core strength

Lateral Flexion for core and stability training performed with the MoveStrong Elevate Trainer. Exercises performed with the Elevate Trainer allows user foot placement to vary the difficulty of the suspension exercises by simply adjusting body angle. The Elevate Belts provide support at waist and hips. The MoveStrong Stall bars add even more progressions to the exercise as you move your feet from the floor to the rungs of the stall bars. The higher feet placed on Stall bars the more difficult the exercise. Watch video below for more details on performing this exercise.

See more instructional videos for the Elevate Trainer and Stall bars in our MoveStrong Video Library.