NEW 20’ Vertical Cargo Net and Rope Climb Station
More Obstacle Challenges
Ropes & Cargo Nets
The stations can be customized with both rope and cargo or one or the other. It's a dynamic training tool for police, law enforcement, military and more. Put true physical fitness to the test with the MoveStrong Obstacle Course. Be better prepared for the physical demands faced in competition, career, and life. The course challenges will help in empowering each user and in becoming better team members working together. The video below shows a combination of MoveStrong outdoor fitness and challenge equipment designed in a complete course layout.
Watch it In Action
Obstacle Course design to focus on bodyweight strength, endurance, agility, balance, and building self-confidence to overcome each obstacle. Course can be designed for all size spaces for outdoor and indoor training specific to needs for schools, gyms, physical education, ROTC, obstacle course race, military, first responder, rescue, Law Enforcement training, and more!