Shade Structure Planning As Part Of Outdoor Fitness Layout And Design
Year Round Comfort And Protection For Users And Equipment
We all know the benefits shade from the sun offers us such as less heat, direct sun exposure, and just a better experience when outdoors especially when exercising. Shade structure integration can play a valuable role in your outdoor fitness area planning. Shade structures and canopy will give users more reasons to engage in fitness outdoors with less concern from direct sun and heat exposure. It also helps with longevity of the outdoor equipment. Direct sunlight over time takes a toll on fitness equipment. While MoveStrong outdoor fitness equipment is designed for all-weather conditions backed by an extensive outdoor warranty, the shade structure will add more protection and benefits into preserving the equipment.
MoveStrong Layout & Design services can help facilities plan for the amount of shade coverage needs based on he overall layout of the fitness area or obstacle course. Small coverage for our multi-station The T-Rex FTS allows multiple users to workout and stay sheltered from the sun. Larger outdoor fitness layout using FitGround stations may need multiple shades in various areas to get adequate coverage. Its important to allow shades to be positioned far enough out and around all training areas to protect against sun as it moves throughout the day and not just directly over the equipment..
MoveStrong helps plan for customization of shade structures when needed to integrate fitness and obstacle course equipment. Get the best of both along with space saving design by utilizing the shade structure to accommodate fitness equipment like climbing ropes, cargo nets, challenge obstacles, and the new MoveStrong Traveling Rings! This first custom MoveStrong set has a 96β span with 12 total Traveling Rings and is the largest current outdoor set-up in a park! Designed with the ring height and span to allow a free-floating feeling as you swing from ring-to-ring. So give it a try and learn to fly with a smile!
All Sizes Of Shade Coverage Needed
From small to large design the shade coverage you need based your space and equipment selection
Outdoor Gym Design For Comfort And Protection
A better experience for users and more workout time during the day all year
Customization To Integrate Fitness And Obstacles
Custom Design fitness or obstacle course area by integrating MoveStrong equipment into the shade structure
MoveStrong Obstacle Course Shade Structures
See more info below using shades and canopies as part of outdoor fitness gym and training area design from large to small areas along with integration of fitness stations into the overall shade structure.