Snap Fitness adds functional fitness area
Albuquerque, NM Snap Fitness in Unser adds a dedicated training area for its members to engage in a style of exercise that incorporates more functional fitness movements. This Snap location chose the MoveStrong Nova-4 Functional Training Station for this new area allowing clients to use as part of thier own individual workouts or as part of guided personal or group training with a Snap Fitness instructor. Clients take part in bodyweight exercise, battle ropes, suspension training, resistance bands, calisthenics, and more utilizing the Movestrong FTS. The Stall Bars on the FTS provide a dedicate spot for mobility work also. The Sliding pull-up and monkey bars allows for unique climbing and pull-up exercises to constantly provide bodyweight strength challenges.
As more and more 24-hour key club gyms add additional training space for functional fitness, MoveStrong continues to provide solutions needed to help these style gyms allocate more tools and floor space functional training stations.